WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2009 KING OF KINGS & ISLAND BLEND PROMOTIONS in association with Londzell's PRESENTS:>>>TRopiCaL Wednesdays ~Special Edition~ Roots & Culture Fest~<<< Performing LIVE IN CONCERT:Universal Recording Artiste - JOSEPH ISRAEL and the Jerusalem Band!Along with King of Kings Recording Artistes: ILey Dread, Rochelle & Jeffery Starr.Also featuring Special Guest Artistes: Genie Slick and Mykal Somer. Doors open 6pmShowtime 8pmAdvance tickets $15Door tickets $20 Londzell’s Martini Lounge 1570 Holcomb Bridge Rd.Roswell, GA. 30076Contact info: 404.936.4112 | Email: tropicalwednesdays@gmail....