Case Study: IS&T
The Strategic Change Initiative
The division of Information Systems and Technology (IS&T) of Georgia State University’s function is to provide leadership and services in the application of technology for the university community. The IS&T division is managed by J.L. Albert who serves as the Associate Provost for Information Systems and Technology as well as Chief Information Officer of the university. As such, IS&T activities are guided by the University Strategic Plan and the University Information Technology Strategic Plan. IS&T has realigned its organizational structure in order to create internal efficiency. The restructuring seeks to benefit the University Community as a whole in that it will allow for: A Customer Focused Culture, Budgetary Transparency, and Enhanced Business Function. Internally, the initiative will improve communications for campus projects, customer service advancements, staff certifications, project management, work effort accountability and teamwork. The CIO and his management team use a director image for managing change in order to improve internal efficiency and to reinvent the image of the division of IS&T. It is a thoughtfully planned change that aims at positioning the organization for the future by assessing, measuring, and enabling consistent alignment of people strategy with business strategy, organizational development and performance improvement.
The strategic change initiative has allowed the IS&T division to improve the efficiency of its unit through successful completion of various projects designed to enhance the university community. IS&T carries out numerous IT projects each fiscal year in order to advance the ever changing technology and meet the demands of a top rated Research University as well as to remain current.
One of the major problem areas facing the division was the operation of its Help Center- the first point of contact for technical help for students, administrators, staff and faculty. The Help Center group consistently underperformed in the areas of customer satisfaction, technical expertise and call resolutions. As a result of the change initiative put in place that called for 1) Certification of existing Help desk agents, 2) Reclassification of job description and 3) A newly implemented Help Desk Tracking system, IS&T’s Help Center has succeeded in resolving more than 70 percent of trouble calls during the first contact, keeping the abandonment rate below the maximum set percentage rate of 10% to 7.27% where it previously had a rank of an 18% abandonment rate. In addition, the IS&T Help Center now continues to meet its’ overall customer satisfaction. IS&T has accomplished the major tasks of its realignment within the Help Center as the customer focused culture has increased along with accountability for results and teamwork.
I believe that not only was the change of procedure within the IS&T Help Desk Group successful it was grossly needed in order to rid the negative image of incompetence of that plagued the Technical Support Analysts at the division of IS&T. People were complacent with their jobs due to the casual environment, security and benefits; however they did not seek to utilize the opportunities that beheld them at the University where higher learning is encouraged and paid for. As a result of the sudden pressure to become A+ Certified, technicians feared losing their jobs and this fear caused them to tighten up and improve performance and see the bigger picture painted by management. It also served to reinforce the idea that the division is a whole and encouraged communication with management and employees.
To better manage change in an organization or division a manager should be keen on creating a sense of urgency, having clear and concise communication of vision, strategies and goals, continually monitor progress and provide feedback when needed.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Images Change Analysis
3:51 PM
TDi Media